Since 1999, we have continued to innovate and conduct various types of research to help Indonesian people become healthier through high-quality medicines.
Affordable prices are also one of the main things we pay attention to so that every level of society can benefit from our medicines.
Until now we have produced more than 180 product items to meet the pharmaceutical needs in Indonesia.
Legality and Certificates
PT Novapharin Pharmaceutical Industries has had a pharmaceutical industry business license from the Indonesian Minister of Health and Social Welfare in 2000.
In 2001, it received a CPOB certificate from the Indonesian Ministry of Health, Directorate General of Drug and Food Control. Every drug is produced in accordance with the established Cara Pembuatan Obat yang Baik (CPOB) procedures.
In 2007, in the context of mapping the pharmaceutical industry, PT Novapharin received a GRADE A for fulfilling CPOB.